WHAT'S YOUR "HARAM" SCORE? Start with 0 and add up the points that apply to you 1. Drank alcohol 2. Ate pork........ 3. Smoked...

WHAT’S YOUR “HARAM” SCORE? Start with 0 and add up the points that apply to you 1. Drank alcohol 2. Ate pork…….. 3. Smoked weed 4.Likes to dance…….. 5. Supports LGBT rights 6.Likes dogs 7. Believes in Evolution 8. Played ches…….. 9. Had sex outside marriage 10. Listens to music (not nasyeed) 11. Has a picture in the house 12. Played with dice………. 13. Believes in secularism……. 14. Has a tattoo 15. Masturbated 10 15 1 9 15 6 8 4 9 5 4 4 12 9 1



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