13. How To Fix Comman Sleep Problems CAN'T FALL ASLEEP Avoid caffeine several hours before bedtime. Exercise in the morning or aftern

13. How To Fix Comman Sleep Problems

CAN'T FALL ASLEEP Avoid caffeine several hours before bedtime. Exercise in the morning or afternoon and put your phone away at least an hour before your bedtime. SNORING Try sleeping on your side or propping your head up a few inches. You can also clear out your sinuses with saline before bed and avoid alcohol. NECK PAIN Replace your pillows at least every two years. People reported firm, latex pillows were the most comfortable in a study. CAN'T STAY ASLEEP Avoid alcohol before bed, since it can decrease the amount of time you spend in deep REM sleep. Make sure your room is set between 68 and 71°F. ACID REFLUX Talk to your doctor about medication options, and try sleeping on your left side on an elevated pillow. SHOULDER PAIN Don't sleep on your side. If you are a side-sleeper, and the pain's only in one shoulder, try sleeping on the other side. Hugging a pillow might help. CAN'T WAKE UP Try to wake up around the same time every day (even on weekends) so your body is used to it. LEG CRAMPS You can try massaging the area, applying heat to the muscle, and stretching to relieve the pain. BACK PAIN Add a pillow under your thighs if you sleep on your stomach, or under your legs if you sleep on your back.



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