Follow The following are some titles of books that have been banned from schools in Florida.... Lmk which book is pornogr

P!nk @Pink Follow The following are some titles of books that have been banned from schools in Florida.... Lmk which book is pornography.... To Kill A Mockingbird, The Hate You Give, Forrest Gump, A Catcher In The Rye, The Hill We Climb, Girls Who Code, Atlas Shrugged, 1984, The Kite Runner, The Bluest Eye, A Wrinkle In Time, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Fault In Our Stars, etc etc. Readers added context they thought people might want to know This list has been proven incorrect. These books are not banned in Florida. In fact, some are on Florida's required reading list. Fact check: Fake list of banned Florida books circulates widely online



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