Albert Einstein'ın Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'e gönderdiği, Almanya'nın güvenli olmaması nedeniyle Yahudi bilim adamlarının Türkiye'de çalışm

Albert Einstein'ın Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'e gönderdiği, Almanya'nın güvenli olmaması nedeniyle Yahudi bilim adamlarının Türkiye'de çalışmasına izin vermesini isteyen mektup (17 Eylül 1933)

18126 UNION DES SOCIÉTÉS "OSE" POUR LA PROTECTION DE LA SANTÉ DES POPULATIONS JUIVES " א ז ע י פארבאנד פון די געזעלשאפטן פארן יידישן געזונטשוץ COMITÉ D'HONNEUR Prof. A. EINSTEIN, Président. Prof. A. BESREDKA, Vice-Prident - Paris. Prof. RADCLIFFEN SALAMAN, F.Prident-Laure ALLEMAGNE ANGLETERRE. SOCIETES AFFILICES DANTZIO ETATS-UNIS LETTONIE LITHUANIE. C+ T. C. BAŞBAKANLIK CUMHURIYET ARSIVI TEL.: PARIS (XVI, LE 17 September, 1933 4, Rue Roussel Sihat vit Maarif vikalitini POLOGNE CT. O. 2.) ROUMANIE 3/maxi Adresse Taligraphique: "OSE" 4. RUE ROUSSEL 9-10-915 Lunchy Your Excellency, As Honorary President of the World Union "OZE" I beg to apply to Your Excellency to allow foarty professors and doctors from Germany to continue their scientific end medical work in Turkey. The above mentioned cannot practise further in Germany on account of the laws governing there now. The majority of these men possess vest experience, knowledge end scientific merits and could prove very useful when settling in new country. Out of great number of applicants our Union has chosen fourty experienced specialists end prominent scholars, and is herewith applying to Your Excellency to permit these men to settle anc practise in your country. These scientists are willing to work for a year without any remuneretion in any of your institutions, eccording to the orders of your Government. In supporting this application, I take the liberty to express my hope, that in granting this request your Government wil not only perform an act of high humanity, but will also bring profit to your own country. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's obedient servant, A. Einstein. (Prof. Albert Einstein) His Excellency The President of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Turkish Republic. evzuati Day wit Gendern der gerait que l


Albert Einstein'ın Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'e gönderdiği, Almanya'nın güvenli olmaması nedeniyle Yahudi bilim adamlarının Türkiye'de çalışmasına izin vermesini isteyen mektup (17 Eylül 1933)

18126 UNION DES SOCIÉTÉS "OSE" POUR LA PROTECTION DE LA SANTÉ DES POPULATIONS JUIVES " א ז ע י פארבאנד פון די געזעלשאפטן פארן יידישן געזונטשוץ COMITÉ D'HONNEUR Prof. A. EINSTEIN, Président. Prof. A. BESREDKA, Vice-Prident - Paris. Prof. RADCLIFFEN SALAMAN, F.Prident-Laure ALLEMAGNE ANGLETERRE. SOCIETES AFFILICES DANTZIO ETATS-UNIS LETTONIE LITHUANIE. C+ T. C. BAŞBAKANLIK CUMHURIYET ARSIVI TEL.: PARIS (XVI, LE 17 September, 1933 4, Rue Roussel Sihat vit Maarif vikalitini POLOGNE CT. O. 2.) ROUMANIE 3/maxi Adresse Taligraphique: "OSE" 4. RUE ROUSSEL 9-10-915 Lunchy Your Excellency, As Honorary President of the World Union "OZE" I beg to apply to Your Excellency to allow foarty professors and doctors from Germany to continue their scientific end medical work in Turkey. The above mentioned cannot practise further in Germany on account of the laws governing there now. The majority of these men possess vest experience, knowledge end scientific merits and could prove very useful when settling in new country. Out of great number of applicants our Union has chosen fourty experienced specialists end prominent scholars, and is herewith applying to Your Excellency to permit these men to settle anc practise in your country. These scientists are willing to work for a year without any remuneretion in any of your institutions, eccording to the orders of your Government. In supporting this application, I take the liberty to express my hope, that in granting this request your Government wil not only perform an act of high humanity, but will also bring profit to your own country. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's obedient servant, A. Einstein. (Prof. Albert Einstein) His Excellency The President of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Turkish Republic. evzuati Day wit Gendern der gerait que l


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