Komutan Logar on January 01, 2024. May be a Twitter screenshot of 2 people and text that says 'Sevda @sevdaloji Rekorbet 75...

Komutan Logar on January 01, 2024. May be a Twitter screenshot of 2 people and text that says ‘Sevda @sevdaloji Rekorbet 75 DENEME BİZDEN bizi sinir krizine sokmak icin elinden gelen her seyi yaptiktan sonra erkekler REGL REGL REGL REGL REGL MİSİN? ÛM MİSİN? MİSİN? MİSİN? MİSİN? REGL REGL REGL REGL REGL REGL REG MISİN? MİSİN? MİSİN? MİSİN? MİSİN? MİSİN? MİSİN?S’.

Tv quamtween Kumpir Istanbul Ortaköy Biz baya bi sasirdik ama hep böyle satis yapiyorlarmis



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