r/Pokemon TCG u/TirDcdohl BAG Just beat my court case (I was guilty) and decided to buy a pack to celebrate Pulls S ● weakness...

r/Pokemon TCG u/TirDcdohl BAG Just beat my court case (I was guilty) and decided to buy a pack to celebrate Pulls S ● weakness BASIC 20h. i.redd.it 186/1962 Giratina V Abyss Seeking Look at the top 4 cards of your deck and put 2 of them into your hand. Put the other cards in the Lost Zone. OOO Shred 160 This attack’s damage isn’t affected by any effects on your opponent’s Active Pokémon. 220 resistance retreat Vrule When your Pokémon V is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards. sera1G Pokemon/Nintendo/Creatures/REAK Sp A SA Fog S Clefairy 000 Wonder Storm N wwwwwww oppka છે. આ વાત વા WAAR ME -60Ⓒ



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