NSFW what stopped you from committing suicide? 6592 TOP COMMENTS ✓ 14 Awards Assassin's Creed. 6590 ↑ Share Sounds really...

NSFW what stopped you from committing suicide? 6592 TOP COMMENTS ✓ 14 Awards Assassin’s Creed. 6590 ↑ Share Sounds really fucking stupid, but I had a plan and everything, date picked out and in the process of writing a note, when my mom came home and gave me AC Black Flag. We were really struggling for money back then, so I was surprised. I sat down and played it all the way through with my sister, and was so absorbed that I missed the date I had planned. When I realized, I was laughing with my sister about something in the game, and couldn’t fathom why I had been thinking about it. I turned 18 a few years later and my first tattoo was the AC symbol on my wrist for my bday. People ask why and I just say it’s because it’s my favorite game series. Only I really know why. Reply 12.1k |+B >



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