THE 10 Things That Are Wildly s That Ar Overhyped! MULTIPLE-GPU and so few high points. NINTENDO WII So much potential...

THE 10 Things That Are Wildly s That Ar Overhyped! MULTIPLE-GPU and so few high points. NINTENDO WII So much potential squandered on so many terrible games VIDEOCARDS 6 8 5 WILL WRIGHT’S SPORE Will it change the world? Will it ever be released? Will it be fun? We don’t know. DOWNLOADING MOVIES FROM THE INTERNET Distracting? Yes. Fun? Yes. Revolutionary? No. HIGH DEFINITION By the time HD is finally main- stream, it will be time to upgrade to UHD (ultra-high def]. ASUS EEE PC The hoopla surrounding this cheap notebook has launched an entire product category. Think about that. 64-BIT COMPUTING PCs can address more than 4GB of memory now-big whoop. We want more native 64-bit apps. 7 # THE IPHONE It’s indubitably cool, but nothing could have lived up to its hype overdose -especially without 3G support! AT&T iTunes BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Once-awesome sci-fi is now Melrose Place in space. Meh. SMS Test YouTube 9 Calendar Photos Stocks Clock Calculator 9:42 AM Notes O Camera


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