2 r/offmychest u/Primary-Remote5203 19h 25 1 S 3 I have the biggest crush on my husband. I know people are going to come here...

2 r/offmychest u/Primary-Remote5203 19h 25 1 S 3 I have the biggest crush on my husband. I know people are going to come here and be like well yeah, it’s your husband, like obviously I love him. But there’s a difference in loving someone, and having a crush on them. And I have a crush on my husband. 8 years we’ve been together. 8 years. And I still can’t stop staring at him and thinking he’s the most handsome guy, and when he stares back I still get butterflies and feel myself blush. He makes me giddy and nervous. Not nervous in a bad way, but nervous in a I just want him to lean in and kiss me kinda way. Like a my phone buzzed and I hope it’s him kinda way. And when we go out, I find myself struggling to find the perfect outfit because I want to look just right and I’ll spend forever curling my hair til it’s perfect. I don’t know. I know I’m being gushy. But I don’t really care. He’s currently working on some paperwork and I’m sitting in the room with him. We haven’t said anything,


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