Did you Google something today? If you have you might have seen Oğuz Atay on Google Homepage Doodles. 😊 He is a great Turkish...

Did you Google something today? If you have you might have seen Oğuz Atay on Google Homepage Doodles. 😊 He is a great Turkish writer whose most famous work is The Disconnected (Tutunamayanlar). It’s his birthday today so we wanted to share this quote from him. It’s 2 sentences that define loneliness perfectly. #oğuzatay #oguzatay #tutunamayanlar #oğuzataytutunamayanlar #alıntı #alıntılar #sözler #learnturkish

“Yalnızlığına iyi bak, sahip çık. Kaç kişinin emeği var onda kim bilir?“ - Oğuz Atay "Take good care of your loneliness, protect it. Who knows how many people worked for it?” TD



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