3. How To Measure Remaining Daylight With Your Hand HOW TO MEASURE REMAINING DAYLIGHT WITH YOUR HAND MANLINESS www 1: FACE the sun an

3. How To Measure Remaining Daylight With Your Hand

HOW TO MEASURE REMAINING DAYLIGHT WITH YOUR HAND MANLINESS www 1: FACE the sun and extend your arm in front of you so that your palm faces toward you and fingers are parallel to horizon. 1 Hour O 45 Minutes h 30 Minutes 15 Minutes 2: POSITION your index finger so that it rests just below the sun and your pinky parallel to the edge of the horizon. 3: COUNT the number of fingers it takes to reach from the sun to the horizon. Each ascending finger represents 15 minutes until the sun sets. 1:15 Hour, 30 Minutes 1:00 :45 830 15) 4: IF space allows, line up your other hand directly below and continue counting. Each hand represents approximately one hour. Art of Manliness and Ted Slampyak. All Rights Reserved.



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