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How old are Americans when they get married? [OC] WA 28.8 How old are...

Population Density of Africa! African Population Density Data source -...

Largest and second largest group of immigrants in Portugal by each district...

Peak of the (two) largest Empires in history PEAK OF THE LARGEST EMPIRES IN...

Turkey is huge! All these European countries fit within Turkey's borders. ...

Where deserts can be found around the world Arid, desert (BW) BWh BWK

Satellite States of Soviet Union in Europe East Germany 1949-1990 Poland...

Earth's Continents If They All Had Same Population Density With Monaco ...

Irish population in 1841 vs now Population of Ireland 1841 vs modern date....

wyd in this situation? HUNCHO @huncho buying the cereal MEME ZAR www

yall think he's passing the test? Yea You ready for tomorrow's history...

i don't think it works How to gain 1 million views in just 3 days in...

7:06 1 4 Yup I told you M Mom > LTE O I don't like being an adult You...

Stop giving me me your earliest bedtimes You're my tiredest sleepyhead

600 No straw to save the sea animals

Tgoody @_Tgoody That 2k you worked hard for is better than 100k that's given...

= ChatGPT 4 ге YOU e3TJ6Jp individual is to just enter the letters in on is...

It's never too late to acknowledge the reality that urban highways are a...

If I pee here, all this will be mine.

a real one Doofenshmirtz's Vanessa's birthday. @KaiThaOne1 birthdays. Say...