Today is Turkish Dictionary's first birthday! 😊🎉 We started it 1 year ago today and it's been great interacting with thousands...

Today is Turkish Dictionary’s first birthday! 😊🎉 We started it 1 year ago today and it’s been great interacting with thousands of you. Thank you for following us and being a part of this. 🤗 Love from us ❤ #learnturkish #ingilizce #ingilizcekelime #ingilizceöğreniyorum #iyikidoğdun #ingilizceöğren #iyikidogdun #yabancıdil #doğumgünü #dogumgunu

WWWE it’s good that you were born /iyi ki doğdun/ (exp.) 1. the Turkish ‘happy birthday’ 2. I’m so happy that you were born and became a part of my life TD


Today is Turkish Dictionary’s first birthday! 😊🎉 We started it 1 year ago today and it’s been great interacting with thousands of you. Thank you for following us and being a part of this. 🤗 Love from us ❤ #learnturkish #ingilizce #ingilizcekelime #ingilizceöğreniyorum #iyikidoğdun #ingilizceöğren #iyikidogdun #yabancıdil #doğumgünü #dogumgunu

WWWE it’s good that you were born /iyi ki doğdun/ (exp.) 1. the Turkish ‘happy birthday’ 2. I’m so happy that you were born and became a part of my life TD


2020-10-09 17:14:31 GMT
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